九州工業大学 竹中研究室

  1. "Ferrocenyl naphthalene diimides as tetraplex DNA binders,
    Shinobu Sato and Shigeori Takenaka,
    Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 167, 21-26 (2017).

  2. "Cyclic ferrocenylnaphthalene diimide derivative as a new class of G-quadruplex DNA binding ligand,
    Md. Monirul Islam, Shinobu Sato, Shingo Shinozaki, Shigeori Takenaka,
    Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 27, 329-335 (2017).

  3. "がんとテロメアDNAの長さとのかかわり-新しい測定技術の登場でわかったこと, 竹中繁織, 化学, 72, 60-61 (2017).

  4. "Oral cancer screening based on methylation frequency detection in hTERT gene using electrochemical hybridization assay via a multi-electrode chip coupled with ferrocenylnaphthalene diimide,
    Kazuya Haraguchi, Shinobu Sato, Manabu Habu, Naomi Yada, Mana Hayakawa, Osamu Takahashi, Izumi Yoshioka, Kou Matsuo, Kazuhiro Tominaga, and Shigeori Takenaka,
    Electroanalysis, 29, 1596-1601 (2017).

  5. "The methylation status and expression of human telomerase reverse transcriptase is significantly high in oral carcinogenesis,
    Kazuya Haraguchi, Naomi Yada,Shinobu Sato, Manabu Habu, Mana Hayakawa, Osamu Takahashi, Masaaki Sasaguri, Shigeori Takenaka, Izumi Yoshioka, Kou Matsuo, Kazuhiro Tominaga,
    APMIS(Acta pathologica, microbiologica, et immunologica Scandinavica), 125, 797-807 (2017).

  6. "口腔がんのスクリーニングに関するhTRET遺伝子のメチル化検出のための電気化学的ハイブリダーぜーションアッセイ,
    佐藤しのぶ, 原口和也, 早川真奈, 冨永和宏, 竹中繁織,
    BUNSEKI KAGAKU, 66(6), 437-443 (2017).

  7. "第2章 遺伝子ひしめく核内の化学,
    ナノバイオ・メディシン: 細胞核内反応とゲノム編集, 宇理須 恒雄 編著, 近代科学社, 13-31 (2017).

  8. "Modified naphthalene diimide as a suitable tetraplex DNA ligand: application to cancer diagnosis and anti-cancer drug,
    Shigeori Takenaka,
    Proc. SPIE 10324,103240G (2017); doi: 10.1117/12.2271575

  9. "はじめに, Part I Chap 2 医療応用のための分析化学, Part II Chap 1 バイオセンサーの歯科への応用
    CSJ Current Review 24 医療・診断・創薬に化学-医療分野に挑む革新的な化学技術-, 企画・編集WG, 竹中繁織, 長崎幸夫・杉本直己, 日本化学会編,化学同人, (2017).

  10. "Cyclic perylene diimide: Selective ligand for tetraplex DNA binding over double stranded DNA,
    Suresh Vasimalla, Shinobu Sato, Fuminori Takenaka, Yui Kurose, Shigeori Takenaka,
    Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry,25, 6404-6411 (2017).

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